Assosa, Benishangul
Mon - Fri : 08.00 AM - 06.00 PM
+251 91 933 7124


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About Us

Benishangul Mining Sector Association is the first legally registered association engaged in mining sector union in Benishangul Gumuz region; This association has opened the door for modern investment opportunities to solve the obstacles faced by mineral production and development in the region, and workshops have been made to participate in partnership work with big experts in the field of manufacturing and international companies working in the field of mining, to reach quality and standard products and to increase the capacity of producers in the region and locally. It is also a good opportunity.


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Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Our Services

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

እነዚህ እና ሌሎች የወርቅ መቆፈር ስራዎችን የሚያግዙ ማተሪያሎችን ከኛ ያገኛሉ።

You will find these and other materials to help you in your gold mining operations.

ستجد هذه المواد وغيرها لمساعدتك في عمليات استخراج الذهب الخاصة بك.

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

እነዚህ እና ሌሎች የወርቅ መቆፈር ስራዎችን የሚያግዙ ማተሪያሎችን ከኛ ያገኛሉ።

You will find these and other materials to help you in your gold mining operations.

ستجد هذه المواد وغيرها لمساعدتك في عمليات استخراج الذهب الخاصة بك.

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

እነዚህ እና ሌሎች የወርቅ መቆፈር ስራዎችን የሚያግዙ ማተሪያሎችን ከኛ ያገኛሉ።

You will find these and other materials to help you in your gold mining operations.

ستجد هذه المواد وغيرها لمساعدتك في عمليات استخراج الذهب الخاصة بك.

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

እነዚህ እና ሌሎች የወርቅ መቆፈር ስራዎችን የሚያግዙ ማተሪያሎችን ከኛ ያገኛሉ።

You will find these and other materials to help you in your gold mining operations.

ستجد هذه المواد وغيرها لمساعدتك في عمليات استخراج الذهب الخاصة بك.

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

እነዚህ እና ሌሎች የወርቅ መቆፈር ስራዎችን የሚያግዙ ማተሪያሎችን ከኛ ያገኛሉ።

You will find these and other materials to help you in your gold mining operations.

ستجد هذه المواد وغيرها لمساعدتك في عمليات استخراج الذهب الخاصة بك.

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

እነዚህ እና ሌሎች የወርቅ መቆፈር ስራዎችን የሚያግዙ ማተሪያሎችን ከኛ ያገኛሉ።

You will find these and other materials to help you in your gold mining operations.

ستجد هذه المواد وغيرها لمساعدتك في عمليات استخراج الذهب الخاصة بك.

Future works

It is known that we are committed to providing convenient, standard, efficient service for the work. Therefore, we will have such a standard building in the future.

ለስራዉ ምቹ፣ ደረጃዉን የጠበቀ ፣ ቀልጣፋ አገልግሎት ለመስጠት በቁርጠኝነት እየሰራን መሆን የሚታወቅ ነው ። በመሆኑም ይሄን የመሰለ ደረጃዉን የጠበቀ ሕንጻ ወደፊት ይኖረናል።

ومن المعروف أننا ملتزمون بتقديم خدمة مريحة ومعيارية وفعالة للعمل. ولذلك، سيكون لدينا مثل هذا المبنى القياسي في المستقبل.

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Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

الكثير من العمل الذي يقومون به يبدو هكذا.
A lot of the work they do looks like this.
ከሚሰሩት ስራዎች መካከል ከብዙ በጥቂቱ ይሄን ይመስላል።


Leave us a comment with any ideas.

ማንኛውንም ሃሳብ አስተያየት አድርሱን።

اترك لنا تعليقا بأية أفكار.

Team Members

አቶ አስማኒ አጠይብ ኡመር
Mr. Asemani Ateyib Umer
ፕሬዚዳንት President
አቶ ጃፈር አብዱሰላም ራህመተላ
Mr. Abduselam Rahmetela
የፋይናንስ ዘርፍ ሃላፊ Head of finance
አቶ መሃመድ ኢብራሂም ኡመር
Mr. Mohammed Ibrahim Umer
የጥናትና ቴክኒክ አስተባባሪ Research and Technique coordinator
ሸህ ኡመር ሃጅ አኑር ሃሚድ
Mr. Sheh Umer Haji Anur Hamid
የሳይቶች ተቆጣጣሪ site coordinator
አህመድ ስይድ አህመድ
Mr. Ahmed Seyid Ahmed
ማነጅመንት ተቆጣጣሪ Management coordinator
አቶ መሃመድ አጠይብ ኡመር
Mr. Mehamed Ateyib Umer
አባል Member

Benishangul Mining Sector Association

Gayser Gariballa
