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Executive summery

Executive summery Benishangul Minerals sector Development Association has been registered and accorded legal personality with registry number 5996 as local organization accordance with the civil society organization proclamation No. 1113/2019, Ethiopia. Benishangul Mining sector Association was established in 2020 and is the leading association in the region which recognized and licensed by the Federal Government of Ethiopia, mainly focused on the exploration, development, and operation of gold deposits and to monitor mining in the Benishangul Gumuz region aiming to develop mining activities and enhance different mining sectors through capacity-building of miners and invite investors from different countries globally. To facilitate the development of communities in the Mining sectors, revive the region and country's economy, and protect the environments that can cope with the usage of dangerous chemicals during mining and mitigate risks.

To address the basic needs of the miners by mobilizing different Technologies from national and international entities to increase the productivity of the miners to the better development of the region particularly Ethiopia in General. Based on the experiences gained and with a full understanding of the implications of the diversity of development needs that have to be addressed in a comprehensive agenda, Benishangul Mining Sector association multi-sectorial engagements over the five-year strategic plan between 2021 and 2006 are being directed under the two strategic goals. Our company strive to apply all of the international standards of on business safety, environmental safety, and our business partners safeties.

Currently the BMSA estimated to have 12 million ETB; including the own business, join venture and business partners. And the company plan to rise its net capital to 50 million ETB and total capital including join venture to 100 million ETB in coming 5 years.

Company’s background history

Company’s background history The company was established in Benishangul state, Ethiopia as mining sectoral Association in 2020 under the trade registration number 30249 following the amended proclamation of 2013. By 23 founders, among the 7 was delegated as CEO, outline introduction program was held in Assosa and local districts. Reshaping the company structure and completing some legal issues was the following task of the company, then after. Benishangul Mining sector Association was established in 2020 and is the leading association in the region which recognized and licensed by the Federal Government of Ethiopia, mainly focused on the exploration, development, and operation of gold deposits and to monitor mining in the Benishangul Gumuz region aiming to develop mining activities and enhance different mining sectors through capacity-building of miners and invite investors from different countries globally. In addition to the activities mentioned above the association organizes a group of miners who have a license and link them with investors as a joint-venture with more parties that seek the development of a single enterprise or project for profit, sharing the risks associated with its development, facilitating the agreement with miners and investors, prepare Memorandums of Understanding, import advanced mining equipment from different countries and liaise with miners to enhance the product and productivity of the gold mining.

About Us

About Us BMSA for mining Development and Investment Co. Ltd. was established on the 2020, since then our efforts have been focused on promoting and activating feasible investment policies internally and externally to overhaul the economy, environmentally friendly technologies and promote social empowerment. In addition to contributing to increasing the production and development of the national economy, we have implemented multiple projects of high quality and efficiency through an integrated consultant, technical and management team. We gained our experience over the years from participating in the implementation of many private and public projects, namely in the fields of export and import, mining work, environmental work, training and capacity building, and many other areas.

Why Us:

Why Us: Accumulated experiences: BMSA Company distinguishes itself by the wide and varied experiences it has accumulated since its establishment, our wide network of academics and qualified personnel with extensive experience and knowledge of the conditions of administrative, economic, social and information circumstances in Benishangul, Ethiopia enables us to perform at highest level. Client satisfaction is our priority: We are keen to focus our attention on every detail of the project, studying all its aspects, in pursuit of the client›s goal, and achieving their satisfaction through the quality of our work. Staff: BMSA Company was able to build an integrated team with great scientific and practical experience that contributed to the implementation of many projects, in addition to strengthening the team with youth experiences of both genders. Quality Management: To be the first choice and last choice for our clients in providing the services they desire with the highest quality.

Our Fields of Work:

Our Fields of Work: BMSA Company for mining Development and Eco-Friendly mining Investment Ltd. works in several areas, the most important of which are:

  1. Mining related trade, export and import, distribution, and marketing of all types of mining technologies goods, inside and outside Ethiopia, in accordance with the law.
  2. In mining area; Capacity building and skills development for communities and institutions in the public and private sectors, civil society organizations, development of training tools and training materials, preparation and implementation of internal and external training courses, short training, and workshops.
  3. Developing mining investment strategies, preparing strategic plans, follow-up, and evaluation systems, providing management and investment advice to public and private sector institutions, preparing technical, economic, and environmental feasibility studies.
  4. Work in the field of mining (gold – gypsum, coal, Marble - lead - etc.), both inside and outside Ethiopia.
  5. Developing strategies, plans and polices for eco-friendly, and chemical free mining activities.

Our Vision , Mission and value:

Our Vision , Mission and value
To facilitate the development of communities in the Mining sectors, revive the region and country's economy, and protect the environments that can cope with the usage of dangerous chemicals during mining and mitigate risks.
To address the basic need of the miners by mobilizing different Technologies from national and international entities to increase the productivity of the miners to the better development of the region particularly Ethiopia in General.
Integrity: Our track record of performance, serving the communities, with a high degree of impartiality, ensure organizational and operational integrity in principle and action.
Trustworthiness: We strive to ensure solid and sustainable trustworthiness by maintaining a strong discipline of transparency and accountability at all levels in our organization and operations.
Diversity: The diversity of our services underscores our commitment to strong gender and age responsiveness, as women and disabilities, represent most of the beneficiaries in our operations. Community Participation: The strong emphasis we place on community participation derives from the basic recognition of the critical role of the beneficiaries as primary stakeholders. We fully understand that nothing short of their full participation creates the required dynamics that make a difference in the management of our service. Partnership Development: Based on our increasing performance and accountability, partnership development continues to stand out as the key factor that determines the degree to which our efforts can succeed with an intense process that ensures growing outreach and networking.

Five-Year Strategic Plan (2021-2026):

Five-Year Strategic Plan (2021-2026)
Based on the experiences gained and with a full understanding of the implications of the diversity of development needs that have to be addressed in a comprehensive agenda, Benishangul Mining Sector association multi-sectorial engagements over the five-year strategic plan between 2021 and 2006 are being directed under the below indicated two strategic goals.
I. Strategic Goal 1
Continuation and consolidation of development service delivery, saving lives and mitigating human suffering, based on comprehensive engagement in safe, mining and resilience.
II. Strategic Goal 2
Continuation and consolidation support miners with an increasing contribution to basic economic development. Taking into consideration the crucial importance, the Rolling Strategic Plan has also identified resource mobilization and efficient utilization, reduced vulnerability and building resilience, operational excellence, Communication, and partnership.

About Us

Benishangul Mining Sector Association is the first legally registered association engaged in mining sector union in Benishangul Gumuz region; This association has opened the door for modern investment opportunities to solve the obstacles faced by mineral production and development in the region, and workshops have been made to participate in partnership work with big experts in the field of manufacturing and international companies working in the field of mining, to reach quality and standard products and to increase the capacity of producers in the region and locally. It is also a good opportunity.

የቤኒሻንጉል ማዕድን ዘርፈ ማህበር በቤኒሻንጉል ጉሙዝ ክልል በማዕድን ዘርፍ ህብረት የተሰማራ የመጀመሪያው ህግዊ ሆኖ የተመዘገበ ማህበር ሲሆን ፤ ይህ ማህበር በክልሉ በማዕድን ምርት እና ማልማት የሚገጥሙ መሠናክሎች ለመፈታት እና ለዘመናዊ ኢንቬስትሜንት ዜዴዎች በር ከፋች ሲሆን ወርክሾፖች በማኑፋክቸሪንግ መስክ ካሉ ትላልቅ ባለሙያዎች እና በማዕድን መስክ የሚሠሩ ዓለም አቀፍ ኩባንያዎች ጋር በሽርክና ሥራ እንዲሳተፉ በማድረግ ጥራት እና ደረጃ ያላቸዉን ምርቶች ለመድረስ እና በክልሉ ብሎም በአገር ውስጥ የአምራቾችን አቅም ከፍ ለማድረግ መልካም አጋጣሚ የሚከፈት ጭምርም ነዉ።

جمعية قطاع التعدين في بني شنقول هي أول جمعية مسجلة قانونيًا تعمل في اتحاد قطاع التعدين في منطقة بني شنقول جوموز؛ وقد فتحت هذه الجمعية الباب أمام فرص استثمارية حديثة لحل المعوقات التي تواجه إنتاج المعادن وتنميتها في المنطقة، وتم عمل ورش عمل للمشاركة في عمل شراكة مع كبار الخبراء في مجال التصنيع والشركات العالمية العاملة في مجال التعدين للوصول إلى منتجات ذات جودة ومواصفات قياسية وزيادة قدرة المنتجين في المنطقة وعلى المستوى المحلي، وهي أيضًا فرصة جيدة.


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Governance and Management Structures:

Governance and Management Structures: Under the overall honorary guardianship of the direction of the general assembly that conveys every Five years, constructive leadership by most experienced board members and executive management as well as effective works of dedicated staff members and volunteers, BMSA is enabled to be considered as the strongest Association ensuring a streamlined process of leadership and management striving to address the dire needs of most affected people in region. The General Assembly issues the overall strategic and policy parameters providing a common source of reference to ensure uniformity of standards at all levels. While the executive management is responsible for implementation, the Board provides oversight and monitoring of implementation of programs according to the policies and guidelines.
